Ketamine for Fibromyalgia: An Established Approach in Chronic Pain Management

October 4, 2024

Ketamine for Fibromyalgia

If you’ve ever felt trapped in the relentless cycle of fibromyalgia’s pain and fatigue, you’re not alone. As a physician who has walked alongside countless patients battling this complex condition, I understand the profound frustration and exhaustion that fibromyalgia can bring. The daily struggle with widespread pain, deep-seated fatigue, and cognitive fog often robs individuals of the joy in life’s simplest moments.

Among the emerging treatments for this challenging condition, ketamine has garnered attention as a promising option for those who have endured persistent pain despite other therapies. Let’s dive into how ketamine could be a tool in managing fibromyalgia.

Understanding Fibromyalgia Pain and Its Challenges

Fibromyalgia is no ordinary pain condition; it’s a multifaceted ordeal that can feel overwhelming. The symptoms that characterize fibromyalgia can be very frustrating to deal with.

What is Fibromyalgia Pain?

Imagine turning up the volume on a speaker to its highest setting. For individuals with fibromyalgia, it’s as if their body’s pain signals are perpetually set to maximum. Even a gentle touch can feel painful. This heightened sensitivity, known as central sensitization, means that the body’s pain processing system is on constant alert.

Fibromyalgia pain is chronic, widespread, and often debilitating, affecting various parts of the body and frequently accompanied by fatigue, sleep issues, and cognitive challenges. This condition affects roughly 2-4% of people, predominantly diagnosed in middle adulthood, though it can impact individuals at any age.

The Complex Nature of Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia is notoriously complex, with its roots possibly stretching across genetics, environment, and psychological factors. Some patients report a family history of similar symptoms, suggesting a genetic component. Environmental triggers such as stress, injuries, or infections might also initiate or exacerbate symptoms. Psychological factors, like anxiety and depression, often accompany fibromyalgia, complicating the overall picture.

One of the most intriguing aspects of fibromyalgia is the phenomenon of central sensitization. It’s as though the brain’s pain centers are perpetually “rewired” to overreact to sensory input. This heightened sensitivity means even minor sensations can be experienced as intensely painful, contributing to the overall discomfort of the condition.

Key Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Widespread Pain, Fatigue, and Sleep Disturbances

Fibromyalgia’s hallmark symptom is widespread pain, but it’s not just any pain. Patients often describe it as a constant, dull ache that pervades their entire body. This pain lasts for months and is felt on both sides of the body, above and below the waist.

Fatigue is another significant symptom. Some patients feel exhausted even after a full night’s sleep, as if their energy reserves are perpetually depleted. Daily activities that others might find routine can become Herculean tasks.

Sleep disturbances are closely linked with this fatigue. Many report waking up feeling as though their sleep was interrupted, despite having slept for several hours. It’s as if their body’s pain signals are preventing them from achieving the restorative sleep stages they desperately need.

Coexisting Conditions: Depression, Anxiety, and Neuro-Inflammation

Fibromyalgia often doesn’t come alone. It frequently coexists with depression and anxiety, creating a complex interplay between physical and mental health. The relationship between chronic pain and mental health issues is bidirectional—pain can lead to depression, and depression can amplify pain.

Anxiety is another common companion. The unpredictable nature of fibromyalgia symptoms can keep patients on edge, adding a layer of mental strain to their physical discomfort.

Recent research highlights the role of neuro-inflammation in fibromyalgia. The brain’s immune cells, known as microglia, become overactive, releasing substances that keep the nervous system in a heightened state of alert. This persistent alertness not only increases pain sensitivity but also contributes to fatigue and cognitive difficulties.

Understanding these mechanisms helps us grasp why fibromyalgia is such a pervasive condition, affecting many aspects of a person’s life beyond just chronic pain.

The Role of Neurotransmitters in Fibromyalgia Pain

Neurotransmitters—chemical messengers in the brain—play a crucial role in fibromyalgia pain. Key players include glutamate, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter, acting like a “volume up” button for pain signals. In fibromyalgia, excessive glutamate levels can heighten pain sensitivity. Conversely, serotonin and norepinephrine act as natural pain dampeners, the “volume down” buttons. In fibromyalgia, these neurotransmitters might be reduced or less effective, making it harder for the body to manage pain signals.

This neurotransmitter imbalance impacts more than just pain perception; it also affects mood, sleep, and energy levels. This explains why fibromyalgia often coexists with conditions like depression and chronic fatigue. Recognizing these underlying mechanisms is crucial for developing effective treatments. Traditional pain medications often fall short because they don’t address these core issues. That’s where innovative approaches like ketamine therapy come into play.

Limitations of Traditional Pain Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Limitations of Traditional Pain Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Despite advancements in pain management, traditional therapies often fall short for fibromyalgia patients. While they have their place, their limitations are becoming increasingly apparent.

Managing Fibromyalgia Pain with Antidepressants or Opioid Receptors

Antidepressants have been a mainstay in fibromyalgia treatment, especially those affecting serotonin and norepinephrine levels. However, their efficacy in managing pain is often limited. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) can help with mood but provide minimal pain relief. Patients frequently experience a delayed onset of action, and side effects such as nausea, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction can overshadow the benefits.

Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) like duloxetine and milnacipran, though FDA-approved for fibromyalgia, often offer only partial relief. Tolerance can develop, diminishing their effectiveness over time. Side effects, including potential blood pressure changes, require careful monitoring.

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs), used off-label for fibromyalgia, also have significant side effects, such as drowsiness and dry mouth, and can complicate insurance coverage. 

Opioids present even greater challenges. Tramadol and traditional opioids like hydrocodone or oxycodone often fail to address central sensitization and can lead to dependence and increased pain sensitivity over time. The opioid crisis has also led to stricter prescribing regulations, limiting access for patients who might benefit from them.

Challenges in Achieving Effective Pain Relief

Achieving effective pain relief in fibromyalgia patients with traditional treatments is challenging. These therapies often fail to address central sensitization, thought to be a core issue of fibromyalgia. The variability in individual responses means that what works for one person may not work for another, leading to a frustrating trial-and-error process.

Patients frequently develop tolerance to medications, requiring higher doses for the same effect, which can increase side effects and impact quality of life. Long-term efficacy is another concern, with many patients finding that treatments lose their effectiveness over time. Even a 30% reduction in pain, considered a success in clinical trials, may still leave patients with significant discomfort.

These limitations underscore the need for new, more effective treatments that can rapidly reduce pain, address underlying mechanisms, improve overall function, and offer long-term relief without severe side effects or risk of dependence.

Ketamine Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Given the shortcomings of traditional treatments, ketamine therapy is emerging as a promising alternative. Let’s explore how ketamine works and why it’s gaining traction in fibromyalgia treatment.

Understanding Ketamine’s Role in Neuroplasticity and Pain Relief

Originally developed as an anesthetic, ketamine offers a unique approach to pain management. It acts as an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, blocking the action of glutamate, a neurotransmitter involved in pain signaling and central sensitization.

Ketamine’s impact goes beyond mere receptor blocking. It promotes neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to form new neural connections and reorganize existing ones. For fibromyalgia patients, this means that ketamine might help “reset” pain circuits that have become overly sensitized. It’s like giving the brain a chance to start anew, breaking the cycle of chronic pain.

Furthermore, ketamine increases the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports neuron survival and growth. This boost in BDNF may help establish new, healthier neural pathways, contributing to long-term pain relief. It is thought that in patients with chronic pain, these pathways of neurogenesis may be reduced, and activating them with medicines like ketamine may help to move the brain into a better state. 

Impact of Ketamine on the Default Mode Network (DMN) and Neuropathic Pain

Ketamine also affects the Default Mode Network (DMN), a brain network active during rest and self-referential thinking. In chronic pain conditions, the DMN can become overactive, amplifying pain signals and negative thought patterns. Ketamine appears to disrupt this overactivity, potentially breaking the cycle of pain rumination and reducing anxiety.

In cases of neuropathic pain—a common feature of fibromyalgia—ketamine shows particular promise. Its ability to modulate glutamate transmission and influence multiple pain pathways makes it well-suited to tackle the complex nature of neuropathic pain.

Ketamine Therapy for Fibromyalgia: Benefits and Side Effects

Ketamine Therapy for Fibromyalgia: Benefits and Side Effects

Ketamine therapy is increasingly recognized as a valuable option for fibromyalgia management, but like any treatment, it comes with its own set of potential side effects and considerations. Here’s a closer look at what you can expect from ketamine therapy, its benefits, and possible risks.

Common and Serious Side Effects

While ketamine is often well-tolerated, some common side effects can occur. Patients might experience dizziness, nausea, or mild hallucinations during or after treatment. Thankfully, these effects are usually short-lived and subside shortly after the infusion ends.

More serious side effects are rare but can include increased blood pressure and heart rate. That’s why we at Field Trip Health conduct thorough pre-treatment screenings and closely monitor patients during intravenous ketamine infusions. Ensuring patient safety is our top priority.

Rapid Pain Relief

One of the most impressive benefits of ketamine therapy is its speed. Many patients report significant muscle pain reduction after just one or two sessions. 

For some patients, the rapid onset of relief can be life-changing. For some patients, it may be the difference between being barely able to move to experiencing a noticeable reduction in pain in just a matter of hours. This is the kind of impact ketamine can have.

Long-lasting Effects

While the initial relief is quick, ketamine’s benefits can extend well beyond the treatment session. Many patients experience sustained pain relief for weeks or even months following a series of ketamine injections. This durability is a significant advantage compared to daily pain medications, which may only offer short-term relief.

The extended effects of ketamine therapy mean that patients can enjoy prolonged periods of relief without the constant need for medication. This long-term benefit contributes to a more stable and manageable pain experience.

Improvement in Mood and Anxiety

Fibromyalgia often accompanies mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Ketamine therapy has shown remarkable efficacy in addressing these co-occurring conditions. Its rapid antidepressant effects can significantly improve mood and reduce anxiety, enhancing overall well-being.

Patients often report feeling more positive and better equipped to manage their fibromyalgia. This improvement in mental health can make a substantial difference in how patients cope with their condition, leading to better overall pain management.

For chronic pain patients in general, those with comorbid depression may derive even more benefit from ketamine treatments.

Enhanced Quality of Life

The combined effects of pain relief and mood improvement often result in a substantial boost in quality of life. Patients who were once confined to their homes due to pain begin to re-engage with their lives. They report being able to work, socialize, and enjoy hobbies again.

This ripple effect is one of the most rewarding aspects of ketamine therapy. It’s not just about reducing pain scores—it’s about helping individuals reclaim their lives and rediscover activities they once enjoyed.

Reduction in Other Pain Medications

Another notable benefit of ketamine therapy is the potential reduction in reliance on other pain medications. Many patients find they can decrease or even eliminate their use of opioids, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety medications after starting ketamine therapy. This reduction in polypharmacy can lead to fewer side effects and lower risk of drug interactions.

However, any changes in medication should be made under close medical supervision. Still, the potential to simplify treatment regimens is a significant advantage for many patients.

Neuroplasticity and Long-Term Pain Management

Ketamine doesn’t merely mask persistent pain; it appears to promote neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to form new neural connections. This could lead to lasting changes in how pain is processed, potentially offering long-term relief.

The promotion of neuroplasticity means that ketamine therapy might help “reset” the pain circuits in the brain, offering a more durable solution for pain management.

Customizable Treatment Plans

At Field Trip Health, we customize treatment plans to meet each patient’s unique needs. This flexibility allows us to tailor the dosage, frequency, and duration of treatments to optimize benefits while minimizing potential side effects.

Some patients benefit from an intensive initial series of treatments followed by maintenance doses, while others do well with less frequent sessions. This personalized approach is one of ketamine therapy’s key advantages, as it allows for adjustments based on individual responses.

Hope for Treatment-Resistant Cases

Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of ketamine therapy is the hope it offers to patients who have not responded to other treatments. Field Trip Health has worked with numerous individuals who had tried every available option without success. For some, ketamine has been a breakthrough treatment.

The growing body of research supporting ketamine’s efficacy in fibromyalgia treatment is promising, particularly for those who have struggled with treatment-resistant cases.

Research Supporting Ketamine for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

The scientific evidence backing ketamine’s role in managing fibromyalgia is expanding. Several key studies have demonstrated positive results, particularly for patients who have not found relief with conventional therapies. This growing body of research underscores ketamine’s potential as a valuable tool in the fibromyalgia treatment arsenal.

Study/SourceKey FindingsSource
2019 Systematic Review (Journal of Clinical Medicine)Ketamine demonstrated significant pain-relieving effects; benefits lasted up to 3 months post-treatment.NCBI
2018 Study (Pain Medicine)A single ketamine infusion provided significant pain relief for up to 3 months in some patients.PubMed
2015 Study (Journal of Clinical Rheumatology)Improvements in fatigue and cognitive symptoms following ketamine treatment.Wiley Online Library
2024 Systematic Review (Advances in Rheumatology)Demonstrated effectiveness and safety of ketamine in fibromyalgia patients in the short term; more long-term studies needed.Advances in Rheumatology
2021 ESKEFIB Study Protocol (Trials)Assesses the efficacy of S-ketamine as a co-treatment for fibromyalgia, focusing on pain relief and patient functionality.Trials
2023 Maintenance IV Ketamine Therapy (NCBI)Ketamine by IV is an effective option for pain management in fibromyalgia patients, with potential for long-term use.NCBI
2023 Outpatient Ketamine Infusions (NCBI)Demonstrated that ketamine can be used for refractory pain over a long period, with positive outcomes in pain management and mood.NCBI

Combining Ketamine with Other Therapies for Enhanced Pain Relief

Ketamine therapy has shown promise in alleviating fibromyalgia pain. However, its effectiveness can be significantly amplified when combined with other therapeutic approaches. Let’s explore how integrating ketamine with psychotherapy and other supportive treatments can offer a more comprehensive solution for managing fibromyalgia.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is a powerful fusion of ketamine therapy and psychological interventions. The unique properties of ketamine, particularly its ability to induce neuroplasticity, create a prime opportunity for enhancing psychotherapy.

During a ketamine session, patients often experience a temporary shift in consciousness. This altered state can make the mind more open to new perspectives and insights. It’s during this window of heightened receptivity that therapists can help patients process traumatic experiences, challenge negative thought patterns, and develop effective coping strategies.

Patients who engage in KAP may report not only a reduction in pain but also notable improvements in mood, anxiety, and overall quality of life. The key is that the psychotherapy component helps patients make sense of their ketamine experiences and integrate new insights into their everyday lives.

It’s important to remember that KAP requires therapists who are specially trained in handling non-ordinary states of consciousness. Their expertise ensures that the therapy is conducted safely and effectively, maximizing the potential benefits of ketamine.

The Ketamine Treatment Process

At Field Trip Health, we administer ketamine via intramuscular injections, often beginning with a lower dose and adjusting as needed based on each patient’s response. A typical treatment session lasts between 40 minutes to an hour, during which patients are closely monitored for any adverse reactions.

We use the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) to assess pain levels before, during, and after treatment. This scale allows patients to rate their pain intensity, providing us with valuable data to track progress and adjust treatment plans accordingly.

Most patients experience a dissociative effect during the session, which generally subsides shortly after the treatment ends. The goal is to offer rapid relief and lasting benefits while ensuring patient safety and comfort.

Field Trip Health: A Model for Integrated Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine Therapy at Field Trip Health
Field Trip Health’s Vancouver Clinic

At Field Trip Health, we’ve developed a holistic model that exemplifies the integration of ketamine therapy with additional supportive therapies. Our approach includes:

1. Comprehensive Initial Assessment: Before initiating ketamine treatment, patients undergo a thorough evaluation to determine the appropriateness of ketamine and identify any additional therapies that could enhance their treatment plan.

2. Personalized Ketamine Protocols: We customize the dosage and frequency of ketamine infusions to match each patient’s specific needs and responses, ensuring a tailored approach for optimal results.

3. Integration of Psychotherapy: Our team of trained psychotherapists collaborates with patients before, during, and after ketamine sessions to maximize therapeutic benefits. This integrated approach helps patients process their experiences and apply new insights to improve their overall well-being.

4. Holistic Support Services: We offer a range of additional services, including mindfulness training, psychotherapy and aftercare planning. These services support long-term wellness and complement the benefits of ketamine therapy.

5. Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment: Our team continually monitors patient progress and makes necessary adjustments to treatment plans. This ongoing evaluation ensures that each patient receives the most effective care possible.

6. Education and Empowerment: We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge about their condition and treatment options. We provide resources on fibromyalgia management and the science behind ketamine therapy to help patients make informed decisions about their care.

A New Paradigm in Fibromyalgia Treatment

The Field Trip model represents a new paradigm in fibromyalgia treatment—one that combines the innovative benefits of ketamine with a comprehensive, personalized approach to care. By integrating ketamine with psychotherapy and holistic support services, we aim to provide a well-rounded treatment strategy that addresses the complex nature of fibromyalgia.

If you’re considering ketamine therapy, discussing this integrated approach with your healthcare provider could open up new possibilities for managing your fibromyalgia. This holistic model offers a promising pathway to not only relieve pain but also enhance overall quality of life.


How effective is ketamine in providing long-term pain relief for fibromyalgia?

Ketamine shows potential for long-term pain relief in fibromyalgia, particularly for treatment-resistant cases. As an NMDAR antagonist, it reduces central sensitization and enhances neuroplasticity. Studies on ketamine confirm significant short-term pain relief, with many patients experiencing long-lasting benefits.

Can ketamine improve symptoms beyond pain in fibromyalgia patients?

Ketamine may improve symptoms beyond pain in fibromyalgia patients by targeting central sensitization and neurotransmitter imbalances. It can enhance neuroplasticity, potentially alleviating fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and mood disorders. Its efficacy in treatment-resistant cases offers broader symptom relief.

What are the challenges associated with ketamine treatment for fibromyalgia?

Challenges with ketamine treatment for fibromyalgia include managing side effects like psychomimetic effects and nausea, determining optimal dosage for efficacy, and ensuring long-term analgesia. Variability in patient response and the need for multiple infusions require careful monitoring and personalized care.

How does ketamine compare to traditional pain management therapies for fibromyalgia?

Ketamine offers promising pain relief for fibromyalgia by targeting central sensitization and glutamate pathways, unlike traditional therapies like antidepressants and opioids. Its efficacy in treatment-resistant cases and potential for neuroplasticity make it a valuable option, though dosage needs careful management.

About the Author

Dr. Mario Nucci

Dr. Mario Nucci MD CCFP is a licensed Family Physician with a passion for mental health and the development of new therapies. He is actively engaged in research with a faculty associate professorship at Northern Ontario School of Medicine, and research collaborations with the University of Ottawa, University of Calgary, Lakehead University, Concordia University and Vancouver Island University.

Dr. Nucci is the founder of Bay and Algoma Health Centre in 2019, a walk-in and addiction medicine clinic. He founded the Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing in 2019, now operating as Field Trip Health, providing cutting edge mental health care in TorontoMontrealVancouverOttawa,   HamiltonKitchener-WaterlooThunder BaySault Ste. Marie, and at-home.